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Results 1 - 15 of 60 for "ahaw or ahau or ajaw"
Site:  Copan
Schele Number:  1001
Description:  Stela a, south side. monument erected by waxaklajuun ub'aah k'awiil, lc (ad 731). ruler shown clasping double-headed centiped bar and wearing mask and regalia of local patron god k'uy nik ajaw.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Stela
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  See also sd1002, sd1003. lc drawing signed "l. schele '96".
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Waxaklajuun Ub'aah K'awiil
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Copan
Schele Number:  1002
Description:  Stela a, north side, (cpn 1). monument erected by waxaklajuun ub'aah k'awiil, lc (ad 731). ruler shown clasping double-headed centiped bar and wearing mask and regalia of local patron god k'uy nik ajaw.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Stela
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  See also sd1001, 1003, lc drawing signed "l. schele '96".
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Waxaklajuun Ub'aah K'awiil
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Copan
Schele Number:  1006
Description:  Stela d, back, (cpn 7). full-figured inscriptions. lc, 10 ajaw 8 te ch'en. isig: moon goddess, patron of the month ch'en. erected by waxaklajuun ub'aah k'awiil.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Stela
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and P. Mathews, "The Code of Kings: The Language of Seven Sacred Maya Temples and Tombs" 1998:169, fig. 4.36.
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  120
Description:  Carved limestone panel with three figures. the central figure, k'inich k'an joy chitam ii, stands in a dancing posture holding aloft a serpent-footed axe and wearing the shell ear-piece of gi. his father, k'inich janaab pakal (right), and mother, lady tz'akbu ajaw (left) sit flanking him. pakal holds a small, full-figure k'awiil and lady tz'akbu ajaw holds a personified jester god. the text records an anniversary of the death of his ancestor, k'an joy chitam i.
Current Location:  Washington, Dc, Dumbarton Oaks
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Dn of 4.7.0 moves forward to the anniversary lc of cr of 9 manik 5 muwan yields a probable, some three years after k'inich k'an joy chitam ii's capture by tonina (see sd149). schele (1980:308) notes that there is no firm association between the panel and palenque; the panel may have come from a nearby site.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Music, Dance; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; God B, Chaak, Chaak-xib-chaak; Jester God
Publications:  Maya Iconography 1980:309
L. Schele and M. Miller, Blood of Kings 1986:275, fig. VII.3
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  124
Description:  Palace tablet (detail of figures only). the central figure is k'inich k'an joy chitam ii, flanked by his parents (on the left is k'inich janaab pakal and on the right, lady tz'akbu ajaw). the figures sit on benches associated with the three stones of creation. pakal holds a drum major headdress with a jester god diadem. lady tz'akbu ajaw, wearing a jade skirt, displays a bowl containing a personified eccentric flint and flayed face shield.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Originally located in the northern corridor of house a-d of the palace, on the center of the north facing wall facing outward. first lc ( records birth of k'inich k'an joy chitam ii. see also sd121 and sd126.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Accession; Seat, Bench, Throne; Drum Major Headdress; Jade Skirt; Jester God
Publications:  M.G. Robertson, The Sculpture of Palenque Vol. III, 1985:54, Figs. 259-284
L. Schele, "Geneaological Documentation on the Tri-figure Panels at Palenque." In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque, Vol. IV, 1979:52, Fig. 10
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  138
Description:  Text of hieroglyphic stairs, house c, palace. records k'inich janaab pakal's birth and accession, and the sacrifice of a calakmul vassal early in palenque's history. also noted is an eclipse (associated with a "yitah" of itzamnaaj b'alam ii of yaxchilan) and a visit from an ajaw from tikal. a series of prisoners (also recorded on house c, east court panels and on temple of the inscriptions panels) are named; text concludes with the dedication of house c.
Current Location:  Palenque, Palace, House C
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Stair, Alfarda
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Glyphs a1-a5 record janaab pakal's birth on 8 ahaw 13 pohp; b5-a6 note pakal's accession on 5 lamat 1 mol. the eclipse and dedication of house c occur on 7 chuwen 4 ch'en.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Warfare
Publications:  L. Schele, Seventh Palenque Round Table 1994:1-10, Fig. 1
I. Calvin and S. Stearns, "Temple of the Inscriptions, West Panel." In U Mut Maya, 1987, 1988:9-14
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  139
Description:  Fragment of a limestone panel. profile of a male facing left who wears an elaborate counterweight earflare and a large bead necklace. his upswept hair is held with a headdress like that worn by itzamnaaj or god d. the associated glyphs name k'inich janaab pakal, palenque ajaw.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Torso And Glyph Fragment Bod. No. 1144 (palacio P-no. 42(a3) Escombro Div. Cruz Fol. Pal 1954)
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Torso and glyph fragments were found at the north end of the northwest court of the palace. mayer (1995:28) reports that the panel is part of a private collection in brussels; however, the torso and glyph fragment are listed in the bodega of palenque (1979:no. 81). see sd143 and 141 for fragment details.
Culture:  Maya
Object Size:  34.2cm x 15.5cm x 5.
Iconographic Features:  God D, Itzamnaaj
Publications:  Maya Cosmos 1993:dustjacket, frontispiece
Mayer, Maya Monuments Supplement 4 1995:28, Plate 142
L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 81
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  140
Description:  Composite reconstruction of limestone panel fragments. profile of a male facing left who wears an elaborate counterweight earflare and a large bead necklace. his upswept hair is held with a headdress like that worn by itzamnaaj or god d. the associated glyphs name k'inich janaab pakal, palenque ajaw.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Torso And Glyph Fragment Bod. No. 1144 (palacio P-no. 42(a3) Escombro Div. Cruz Fol. Pal 1954)
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Torso and glyph fragments were found at the north end of the northwest court of the palace. mayer (1995:28) reports that the panel is part of a private collection in brussels; however, the torso and glyph fragment are listed in the bodega of palenque (1979:no. 81). see sd143 and 141 for fragment details.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  God D, Itzamnaaj
Publications:  Maya Cosmos 1993:dustjacket, frontispiece
Mayer, Maya Monuments Supplement 4 1995:28, Plate 142
L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 81
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  145
Description:  Reconstructed fragments from panel known as the "tablet of the orator." kneeling figure with flapstaff and bundle of cloth draped over one arm; a hand close to the mouth with a speech scroll leading to hieroglyphic text gives the panel its modern name. text records a bloodletting ritual and a yajawte relationship with k'inich ahkal mo' naab iii.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio, Bod. No. 197
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Originally located on south platform of tower, though this may not have been its original context, see sculpture of palenque 1985 (vol. iii):77. see also sd144.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Warfare
Publications:  L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979:No. 141
L. Schele, "The Demotion of the Palenque Ruler Chac-Zutz: Lineage Compounds and Subsidiary Lords at Palenque." In Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, 1990:10, Fig. 5
L. Schele, "Genealogical Documentation on the Tri-figure Panels at Palenque." In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque 1979:60, Fig. 18a
C. Baudez and P. Mathews, "Capture and Sacrifice at Palenque." In Tercera Mesa Redonda de Palenque 1979:38, Fig. 10
E.P. Benson, "Ritual Cloth and Palenque Kings." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:45-58, Fig. 10
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  150
Description:  Panel from temple xiv, with enlarged details of captions surrounding figures. k'inich kan b'alam ii, wearing giii attributes, dances on a register marked with water iconography. the kneeling female is probably lady tz'akb'u ajaw, kan b'alam ii's mother; she offers a k'awiil manikin.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text first mentions giii in the first part of the text; it then leaps forward to historical time, describing an event by members of the palenque triad and k'inich kan b'alam ii.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  God Giii, Jaguar God Of Underworld; Music, Dance; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; Water, Underworld; God Gi, Hunal-ye
Publications:  Maya Iconography 1980:300
L. Schele And M. Miller, The Blood Of Kings: Dynasty And Ritual In Maya Art 1986:272, Fig. VII.2
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  151
Description:  Fragments of north and south alfardas flanking the main stairs of the temple of the sun. reading order begins with the bottom/north text that records the birth of g-iii in mythological time. the top/south text fragments record the completion of the 13th katun in historical time.
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Top text records completion of 13th katun ( on 8 ahaw 8 wo. bottom text records cr of 13 kimi 19 keh (october 25, 2360 bc, the birthdate of giii of palenque triad.)
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and D. Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya 1990:250-251
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  155
Description:  Fragments of a flanged incensario stand from temple xviii. the drawing at left is the front of the fragment. the central drawing is the columnar text on the side; the drawing at the right is the incised text on the rear.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The visible dates on the side include a dn of 3.2, leading to the cr 6 ahaw 8 keh. the rear text shows a dn of 3.4, leading to ? akbal 16 yax.
Culture:  Maya
Publications:  L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979: No. 391
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  156
Description:  Inscription on a jade bead recovered from the cross group. the text records the ending of the 5th tun ( a dedication phrase.
Current Location:  Palenque, Museo De Sitio (?)
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  1 ahaw 13 pohp marks the ending of a 5th tun on
Culture:  Maya
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  175
Description:  West sanctuary jamb from the temple of the cross. k'inich kan b'alam ii wears an elaborate costume that includes a skeletalized bird backrack. he holds a quadripartite badge, personified perforator, in his right hand. the text in the upper right names kan b'alam ii as the child of k'inich janaab pakal.
Current Location:  Palenque, Temple Of The Cross
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text above the panel reads wak chan ahaw ("six sky lord") u-k'ul kaba ("its holy name") u-ku-nu-il ("his seat") ah-? ("he of ?"). for panel from east sanctuary jamb see sd176.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Accession; Quadripartite Badge
Publications:  L. Schele, "Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:Fig. 6
Notebook for the XVIth Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Workshop:194
M. Cohodas, "Iconography of the Panels of the Sun, Cross, and the Foliated Cross at Palenque: Part III." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:163, Fig. 4
E.P. Benson, "Ritual Cloth and Palenque Kings." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:45-58, Fig. 2
D. Freidel, L. Schele, J. Parker, Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand years on the Shaman's Path, 1993:74-75
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  177
Description:  Composite drawing of fragments from north sanctuary jamb, temple of the sun. the image shows k'inich kan b'alam ii standing front of a witz deity that has been decorated with fire and maize vegetation. kan b'alam ii holds a staff or lance in his left hand. the text surrounding kan b'alam ii records mak'ina janaab pakal and lady tz'akbu' ajaw as his parents.
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  The text above the panel (labeled c1-g1) reads k'ul-li (likely "his gods") mak'ina kan b'alam bak-way-ya ("bone transformation / supernatural") ah-pitzi-?-wa ("he the ballplayer") k'ul bak ahaw ("holy lord of palenque").
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Accession; Witz Deity; Vegetation
Publications:  L. Schele, "Accession Iconography of Chan-Bahlum in the Group of the Cross at Palenque." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:Fig. 12
L. Schele and P. Mathews, The Bodega of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 1979: No. 331
Notebook for the XVIth Maya Hieroglyphic Writing Workshop 1992:196
M. Cohodas, "Iconography of the Panels of the Sun, Cross, and the Foliated Cross at Palenque: Part III." In Art, Iconography & Dynastic History of Palenque, Part III, Proceedings of Segunda Mesa Redonda de Palenque; 1976:163, Fig. 4
See Also:  Schele Photos for "ahaw"

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